I used this slice:

to do a search on one of my databases.  My question is how to pass that 
value back to my app.

For instance, I have a list of data that I show to the user:


def index():
   example_list = [...]
   return dict(example_list=example_list)

def ajaxlivesearch():

<input type="text" id="example" name="example" autocomplete="off" 
onkeyup="getData(this.value);" /><br /></center>
<div id="ajaxresults"></div>

{{for i,values in enumerate(example_list):}}

I would like to get either the ajaxresults from when the user clicked on a 
value in the livesearch or the value copied to the box and re-query the 
In either case I want to end up with a python list that could take the place if 
the initial example_list.

Any help would be appreciated.


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