Hello web2py users ... I am going out of my mind with this !
I am trying to cook up a widget ... ( or a plugin ) inspired from the SELECT_OR_ADD_OPTION widget ! but it uses radio buttons instead of a dropdown select menu, it is about selecting a profile picture among a number of pics shown and defined and where the user has the alternative option to ADD ( or upload his own pic ( by uploading that picture from his computer hard drive for example ) and have it shown in the same view without refreshing the page with its related radio button selected to choose the newly uploaded picture from the pack and affect the field of the form ( table ) upon submit ! How can I succeed in tweaking the SELECT_OR_ADD_OPTION widget and mixing it with the js scripts proposed here : http://blueimp.github.com/jQuery-File-Upload/ Please advise, any assistance with this matter will be greatly appreciated ! I am going out of my mind with this ! .. nothing works ! ... this shows me I got so much to learn .. any suggestion anyone ! PS. I used the IS_IN_SET instead of IS_IN_DB, and I defined the image set like this : default_pics = { 1:IMG(_src=URL('static','images/picture1.png')), 2:IMG(_src=URL('static','images/picture2.png')), 3:IMG(_src=URL('static','images/picture3.png')), 4: ......... } The images are showing up ... but the rest just cannot work out !! ... any suggestions any one ????? ... That would be a nice widget to have around ! --