cStringIO.StringIO is a file-like object. The code "saves" the thumbnail to 
that object and then passes it to the .store() method, which treats it like 
an actual file.


On Friday, September 7, 2012 4:24:46 PM UTC-4, BlueShadow wrote:
> Anthony you are the best. I got pretty much no Idea what your code does 
> but it works perfectly. for all people who have the smae problem I posted 
> the complete working app.
> regards BlueShadow
> On Friday, September 7, 2012 7:24:33 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
>> How about if you do something like:
>> from cStringIO import StringIO
>> tmp = StringIO()
>> im.save(tmp, 'jpeg')
>> tmp.seek(0)
>> thisImage.update_record(thumb=db.Images.thumb.store(tmp, filename=
>> 'thumbnail.jpg'))
>> Anthony


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