Hi, its driving me nuts. I used the code from web2pyslices to generate thumbnails: db.py: db.define_table('Images', Field('Name',length=512), Field('Image','upload'), Field('thumb','upload',writable=False,readable=False), format = '%(Name)s' # <<< important ) db.define_table('Article', Field('Title',length=512), Field('Content','text'), Field('Submitted','datetime',default=datetime.datetime.now()), Field('Views','integer',default=0), Field('TopImage',db.Images) ) default.py: def download(): return response.download(request, db) def makeThumbnail(dbtable,ImageID,size=(200,200)): try: thisImage=db(dbtable.id==ImageID).select()[0] import os, uuid except: print "Error while loading libraries" return try: from PIL import Image except: print "Error while Importing PIL library" return print request.folder + 'uploads/' + thisImage.Image im=Image.open(request.folder + 'uploads/' + thisImage.Image) im.thumbnail(size,Image.ANTIALIAS) thumbName='uploads.thumb.%s.jpg' % (uuid.uuid4()) im.save(request.folder + 'uploads/' + thumbName,'jpeg') thisImage.update_record(thumb=thumbName) response.flash = 'Thumb created everything went fine' return def newImage(): dbtable = db.Images #uploads table name if len(request.args): records = db(dbtable.id==request.args[0]).select() if len(request.args) and len(records): form = SQLFORM(dbtable, records[0], deletable=True) else: form = SQLFORM(dbtable) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): response.flash = 'Entry for Images Database accepted,start creating thumb' makeThumbnail(dbtable,form.vars.id,(200,200)) elif form.errors: response.flash = 'Error in Form for Images Database' ## Quick list just to demonstrate... list = crud.select(dbtable) return dict(form=form,list=list) def Article(): id=request.vars.id row=db(db.Article.id==id).select() row[0].update_record(Views=row[0].Views+1) if len(row)==0: redirect(URL(r=request,f='Articles')) return dict(Article=row[0]) article.html {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h1> {{=Article.Title}} </h1> <br> <center> {{print URL(r=request, c='default', f='download',args=Article.TopImage.thumb)}} {{=IMG(_src=URL(r=request, c='default', f='download',args=Article.TopImage.thumb),_style="display:block;")}} </center> <br> {{=XML(Article.Content)}}<br><br> the thumbnail is generated by the code as it should. and it lands in the upload folder with the original image as it should. if I change the article.TopImage.thumb to .image it works perfectly. if I change it to .thumb again no image is displayed. the path and name I get from the print seem to be correct at least it is the same path as for the origianl image. thanks for your help guys