Dear Derek ,

What should i do then ??

Best Regards,

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Derek <> wrote:

> It is XML, but it doesn't have a doctype. So, when it gets to this
> character:  *’*  it fails to validate against UTF-8. It should probably
> be this:  charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 2:15:11 AM UTC-7, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
>> Dear ALec ,
>> when i go to the link i gave you before , i can see some XML data but i
>> dont understand what is the viewing problem you are talking about ? and why
>> wold a table filed interrupter Viewing as XML  as long as i am returning an
>> object that has all the date ?
>> Best Regards,
>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 12:47 PM, hasan alnator <
>> > wrote:
>>> Dear ALec ,
>>> when i go to the link i gave you before , i can see some XML data but i
>>> dont understand what is the viewing problem you are talking about ? and why
>>> wold a table filed interrupter Viewing as XML  as long as i am returning an
>>> object that has all the date ?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Alec Taylor <>wrote:
>>>> Hmm, try lower-case 'description'.
>>>> Otherwise not sure what's causing the XML viewer problem.
>>>> Also nowadays JSON is prefered over XML, as it's much less verbose;
>>>> thus has a much lower overhead
>>>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:39 PM, hasan alnator
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> > Dear Alec ,
>>>> >
>>>> > What Do you mean with  preprocessing ?
>>>> >
>>>> > this is my :
>>>> >
>>>> > # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>>> >
>>>> > ##############################**##############################**
>>>> #############
>>>> > ## This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
>>>> > ## File is released under public domain and you can use without
>>>> limitations
>>>> > ##############################**##############################**
>>>> #############
>>>> >
>>>> > ## if SSL/HTTPS is properly configured and you want all HTTP requests
>>>> to
>>>> > ## be redirected to HTTPS, uncomment the line below:
>>>> > # request.requires_https()
>>>> >
>>>> > if not request.env.web2py_runtime_**gae:
>>>> >     ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
>>>> >     db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
>>>> > else:
>>>> >     ## connect to Google BigTable (optional
>>>> 'google:datastore://namespace'**)
>>>> >     db = DAL('google:datastore')
>>>> >     ## store sessions and tickets there
>>>> >     session.connect(request, response, db = db)
>>>> >     ## or store session in Memcache, Redis, etc.
>>>> >     ## from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
>>>> >     ## from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
>>>> >     ## session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))
>>>> >
>>>> > ## by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from
>>>> localhost
>>>> > ## none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.**extension'
>>>> > response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []
>>>> > ## (optional) optimize handling of static files
>>>> > # response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline'
>>>> > # response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline'
>>>> >
>>>> > ##############################**##############################**
>>>> #############
>>>> > ## Here is sample code if you need for
>>>> > ## - email capabilities
>>>> > ## - authentication (registration, login, logout, ... )
>>>> > ## - authorization (role based authorization)
>>>> > ## - services (xml, csv, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amf, rss)
>>>> > ## - old style crud actions
>>>> > ## (more options discussed in gluon/
>>>> > ##############################**##############################**
>>>> #############
>>>> >
>>>> > from import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate
>>>> > auth = Auth(db, hmac_key=Auth.get_or_create_**key())
>>>> > crud, service, plugins = Crud(db), Service(), PluginManager()
>>>> >
>>>> > ## create all tables needed by auth if not custom tables
>>>> > auth.define_tables()
>>>> >
>>>> > ## configure email
>>>> > mail=auth.settings.mailer
>>>> > mail.settings.server = 'logging' or ''
>>>> > mail.settings.sender = ''
>>>> > mail.settings.login = 'username:password'
>>>> >
>>>> > ## configure auth policy
>>>> > auth.settings.registration_**requires_verification = False
>>>> > auth.settings.registration_**requires_approval = False
>>>> > auth.settings.reset_password_**requires_verification = True
>>>> >
>>>> > ## if you need to use OpenID, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin,
>>>> etc.
>>>> > ## register with, write your domain:api_key in
>>>> > private/janrain.key
>>>> > from gluon.contrib.login_methods.**rpx_account import use_janrain
>>>> > use_janrain(auth,filename='**private/janrain.key')
>>>> >
>>>> > ##############################**##############################**
>>>> #############
>>>> > ## Define your tables below (or better in another model file) for
>>>> example
>>>> > ##
>>>> > ## >>> db.define_table('mytable',**Field('myfield','string'))
>>>> > ##
>>>> > ## Fields can be 'string','text','password','**
>>>> integer','double','boolean'
>>>> > ##       'date','time','datetime','**blob','upload', 'reference
>>>> > ## There is an implicit 'id integer autoincrement' field
>>>> > ## Consult manual for more options, validators, etc.
>>>> > ##
>>>> > ## More API examples for controllers:
>>>> > ##
>>>> > ## >>> db.mytable.insert(myfield='**value')
>>>> > ## >>> rows=db(db.mytable.myfield=='**value').select(db.mytable.ALL)
>>>> > ## >>> for row in rows: print, row.myfield
>>>> > ##############################**##############################**
>>>> #############
>>>> > from plugin_ckeditor import CKEditor
>>>> > ckeditor = CKEditor(db)
>>>> > ckeditor.define_tables()
>>>> > widget=ckeditor.widget
>>>> >
>>>> > db.define_table('solutions',**Field('title'),Field('**
>>>> Description','text',length=**999999,default="Description
>>>> > Will Be Soon Provided",widget=ckeditor.**widget))
>>>> > db.define_table('services',**Field('title'),Field('**
>>>> Description','text',length=**999999,default="Description
>>>> > Will Be Soon Provided",widget=ckeditor.**widget))
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Alec Taylor <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Yeah, that's right.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Sounds like you'll need to do some preprocessing before posting it
>>>> out
>>>> >> though.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Share your and we'll work from there
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 6:22 PM, hasan alnator <
>>>> >> wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Dear Alec ,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Is the the right way :
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> in the controller i added  >>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> def call():
>>>> >>>   session.forget()
>>>> >>>   return service()
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> def xmlservice():
>>>> >>>     solutoins = db().select(
>>>> >>>     return locals()
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> then i get this : 
>>>> >>>**xml/xmlservice<>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Alec Taylor <>
>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Just add the @service.xml decorator to your controller.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Tutorial:  
>>>> >>>>**default/chapter/29/10<>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Hassan Alnatour
>>>> >>>> <> wrote:
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Dear ALL,
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> I want to create a web service that returns an xml of the some
>>>> >>>>> recorders in a table  ?
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> --
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> --
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> --
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>  --


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