we did remove a try... except in there that would have caused more problems.

Check out latest trunk and try:

   db.executesql('truncate auth_event',fetch=False)

else it expect the query to return something.

On Monday, 3 September 2012 14:01:57 UTC-5, Carlos Correia wrote:
> Hash: SHA1 
> Hi, 
> After updating to trunk (Version 2.0.6 (2012-09-03 10:18:10) stable), I 
> started 
> getting the following error in executesql(): 
> In [1]: db.executesql( 'truncate auth_event' ) 
> - 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ProgrammingError                          Traceback (most recent call 
> last) 
> /home/carlos/development/m16e/apps/web/web2py/clusters/m16e/src/applications/belmiro/models/menu.py
> in <module>() 
> - ----> 1 db.executesql( 'truncate auth_event' ) 
> /home/carlos/development/m16e/apps/web/web2py/clusters/m16e/src/gluon/dal.pyc 
> in 
> executesql(self, query, placeholders, as_dict, fields, colnames) 
>    7247             # easier to work with. row['field_name'] rather than 
> row[0] 
>    7248             return [dict(zip(fields,row)) for row in data] 
> - -> 7249         data = adapter.cursor.fetchall() 
>    7250         if fields or colnames: 
>    7251             fields = [] if fields is None else fields 
> ProgrammingError: no results to fetch 
> Before the upgrade, I was using Version 2.00.0 (2012-08-03 09:01:00) dev 
> Thanks, 
> - -- 
> Com os melhores cumprimentos, 
> Carlos Correia 
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