
I get my app to work under 2.0.5 without much problem, just one thing
broke, but I don't understand why for now, but it pretty not important.

So, I confirm that :

for row in db(db.table.id>0).select():
    print row.id


    print row.legacy_id


I am pretty happy about that!



On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Richard Vézina <ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> If you want I can make a diff over 1.99.4 and 1.99.5 and try to locate
> what breaks the old behavior... Also, I understand that it was something
> experimental, but I think it is pretty usefull for legacy database users.
> I will try trunk tomorrow to see if your fix works as expect.
> Thank you Massimo.
> Richard
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
> massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> For now I have committed a fix in trunk. I am not sure it belong there?
>> It is not obvious to me the previous behavior was better or not (the
>> feature you are using was never documented).
>> Pros? Cons?
>> On Tuesday, 28 August 2012 11:56:13 UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>>> FYI what you suggest trigger this error message :
>>> <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'> Object exists and cannot be redefined: id
>>> Richard
>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Richard Vézina 
>>> <ml.richa...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Not sure I follow, in the pass we were allowed to define a legacy id
>>>> for a table like this :
>>>> db.define_table('test_**endotoxin',
>>>>     *Field('something_id','id'),*
>>>>     Field('result','decimal(10,2)'**,
>>>>         notnull=True,
>>>>         requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_**message=T('field can\'t be
>>>> empty')),
>>>>             IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(0.00,**99999999.99)],
>>>>         required=True
>>>>         ),
>>>>     ...)
>>>> It still work except at the level of the row object.
>>>> What you suggest may works, I would have to refactor and create a
>>>> virtual field for all my tables...
>>>> I was seeking for a solution that prevent me from refactoring in order
>>>> to shift from 1.99.4 to 2.0... when there will be a stable version.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>>>> massimo....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> How about
>>>>> table.id = Field.Virtual(lambda row: row.table.something_id)
>>>>> On Tuesday, 28 August 2012 10:30:37 UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Massimo,
>>>>>> I notice when I try to migrate to 1.99.7 some times ago that I could
>>>>>> not anymore do something like this :
>>>>>> rows = db(db.table.id>0).select()
>>>>>> for row in rows:
>>>>>>     print row.id
>>>>>> I can did it before 1.99.5.
>>>>>> Has Anthony wrote in this thread : https://groups.google.com/**fo**
>>>>>> rum/#!msg/web2py/**i7wx6JVTOtw/**FRnScZzhqHgJ<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/web2py/i7wx6JVTOtw/FRnScZzhqHgJ>
>>>>>> We still can do :
>>>>>> db.table.id even if the "real" table id name (or legacy id name) is
>>>>>> something else like : something_id
>>>>>> To me it is just a matter to have a alias for any legacy id name when
>>>>>> creating a row object :
>>>>>> Row in 1.99.4
>>>>>> <Row {'something_id': 252, 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
>>>>>> 0x215eaa0>, 'field1': Decimal('5.55'), *'id': 252*, 'delete_record':
>>>>>> <function <lambda> at 0x215eb18>}>
>>>>>> Row in 1.99.5-1.99.7
>>>>>> <Row {'something_id': 252, 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
>>>>>> 0x215eaa0>, 'field1': Decimal('5.55'), 'delete_record': <function 
>>>>>> <lambda>
>>>>>> at 0x215eb18>}>
>>>>>> Could we have it back or it is gone?
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>  --
>>>  --


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