you need to include calendar.js and web2py.js at least. Those lines in 
web2py.js initialize the calendar widget on any input that has a class of 
time, date or datetime.
  var date_format = (typeof w2p_ajax_date_format != 'undefined') 
: "%Y-%m-%d";
  var datetime_format = (typeof w2p_ajax_datetime_format != 'undefined') 
: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
  jQuery("",target).each(function() {Calendar.setup({inputField:
this, ifFormat:date_format, showsTime:false });});
  jQuery("input.datetime",target).each(function() {Calendar.setup({
inputField:this, ifFormat:datetime_format, showsTime: true, timeFormat: "24" 

On Saturday, September 1, 2012 7:47:04 PM UTC+2, Alec Taylor wrote:
> I can't seem to get the date widget to work.
> Using the following with crud.create still leaves me without a date 
> widget, even though I've been overly explicit:
> db.define_table(
>     'dob',
>     Field('user_id', db.auth_user, unique=True, default=auth.user_id, 
> readable=False, writable=False),
>     Field('DOB', 'date', requires=IS_DATE_IN_RANGE(minimum=date(1920,1,1)), 
> label=T('D.O.B.'),,
> )
> How do I get this to work?
> Thanks for all suggestions,
> Alec Taylor
> FYI: I'm using a custom scaffolding layout, so might not be including the 
> right JS. What JS should I be including for this?


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