Think you will need to use jQuery.ajax() about that...

Not sure I understand your other question...

Dropbox menu (or HTML SELECT OPTION) is a form elements that you can have
only for CREATE and UPDATE form, DELETE is not really a form it just a
lamda function attach to a record that when it called will generate a drop
of the record.

So, when you select records you want to show them in a tabular way, so I
don't why you would need a dropbox in that context.

But, you may be talking about of shaping form differently and put fields
element into a table, this is easy to achieve with HELPERS available as
part of web2py.


On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:26 AM, jw <> wrote:

> Yes, of course. But in my mention, I have a different task to do. There is
> a dircet dependency between groupCards and answer. Answer can only exist,
> when groupCard exist before. There should be a way to test this and to
> generate a groupCard if it doesn't exist before. My problem is, that I want
> to do this just in one step.
> BTW: Am I right, that I can only display a dropdown-menu for a table for
> update/insert/delete-reasons and not just for selecting one row to work
> with the selected item in the next step?
> On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:13:32 PM UTC+2, Richard wrote:
>> Did you read this ?
>> for-multiple-tables<>
>> Richard
>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 6:03 AM, jw <> wrote:
>>> I have a quite similar question to this unrepleyd post:
>>> web2py/form$20simultaneously$**20insert/web2py/w44ZEk0ODsk/**
>>> aCy4XmPmQmQJ<$20simultaneously$20insert/web2py/w44ZEk0ODsk/aCy4XmPmQmQJ>
>>> I try to realize one form within two tables get an insert by accepting
>>> the form.
>>> db.card.subject_id.default = subject_id
>>>**fault = auth.user.studyGroup_id
>>>     db.answers.user_id.default =
>>>     db.answers.datetime.writable = False
>>>     factory=SQLFORM.factory(**d,db.groupCards,db.answers)
>>> As you can see in both pictures and the code above, I've some
>>> default-values when setting up the form.
>>> I would like to select the question (Frage), depending from the default
>>> subject. Now, I get all the questions in the table.
>>> After that, the user writes his answer and the answer should be inserted
>>> in the answer table and in the same time with the link to the new inserted
>>> groupCard.
>>> Is this possible with web2py or do I have first insert a new groupCard
>>> and insert a answer after this in a second form?
>>> Sorry for my English.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Jens
>>>  --
>>  --


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