Will try to do a dummy app ASAP.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:07 PM, lyn2py <lyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok noted on your points below. I would like to clarify.
> First, the plugin files are only a controller file and a module file. they
> are both the same as on the web page.
> Second, I have modified the module file so that it recognizes the first
> SELECT field, so the widget initialization looks different from the example
> on the website.
> Third, regarding your comment that the plugin (module file) should be the
> one that returns the HTML, this I am not too sure.  When I run the original
> code, the ajax call goes to the controller, not the module file. And the
> controller looks like
> def index():
>     form = SQLFORM(db.product)
>     if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>         session.flash = 'submitted %s' % form.vars
>         redirect(URL('index'))
>     return dict(form=form,
>                 categories=SQLTABLE(db().select(db.category.ALL)),
>                 colors=SQLTABLE(db(db.color.id > 0)(db.color.category == 
> db.category.id
>                                 ).select(db.color.id, db.category.name, 
> db.color.name)))
> Questions:
> Per your reply below, How does the widget "call" itself from the
> controller and return the select field?
> I think I don't understand the widget as well as you do. As you already
> have my model and controller code, can you give me an example of how my
> controller code should look like so that the widget works?
> Thanks.
> On Thursday, August 30, 2012 3:44:58 AM UTC+8, Richard wrote:
>> Here the example about how to initialize the widget :
>> db.product.color.widget = lazy_options_widget(
>>                   'product_category__selected', 
>> 'product_category__unselected'**,
>>                   lambda category_id: (db.color.category == category_id),
>>                   request.vars.category,
>>                   orderby=db.color.id,
>>                   user_signature=True,
>>                   # If you want to process ajax requests at the time of the 
>> object construction (not at the form rendered),
>>                   # specify your target field in the following:
>>                   field=db.product.color,
>>                   )
>> I am not sure what are : 'jsChangeOn','jsChangeOff',
>> In your widget init...
>> And I don't understand why you need to create a lazy_option function??
>> Did you install the plugin into your app and make the proper import or
>> did you try to just copy/paste the code provided on the web page of
>> s-cubism??
>> You don't need the your function it suppose to be the lazy_option_widget
>> that do this task of making the ajax call and return the answer from the
>> database to your view and update you dropbox (html SELECT OPTIONS)...
>> I am puzzled a bit.
>> R
>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:02 PM, lyn2py <lyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OK sure :)
>>> db.define_table('quotations',
>>>     Field('company_id','reference companies'),
>>>     Field('contact_id','reference contacts',
>>>         widget=lazy_options_widget('**jsChangeOn','jsChangeOff',
>>>         lambda customer_id: (db.contacts.customer_id == customer_id),
>>>         trigger=request.vars.customer_**id, keyword="id",
>>>         user_signature=True)
>>>         ),
>>>     Field('name','string',length=**255,requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> )
>>> db.companies and db.contacts are just separate tables, where each
>>> company can have many different contacts.
>>> def test():
>>>     form=SQLFORM(db.quotations)
>>>     # rows = 
>>> db(db.contacts.customer_id==re**quest.post_vars.id<http://request.post_vars.id>
>>> ).select()
>>>     return locals()
>>> def lazy_options():
>>>     if request.env.request_method=='**POST':
>>>         rows = 
>>> db(db.contacts.customer_id==re**quest.post_vars.id<http://request.post_vars.id>
>>> ).select()
>>>         return SQLTABLE(rows)
>>>     else:
>>>         return None
>>> As I have no intentions to save the form, dbio codes has been left out.
>>> I am using a generic view.
>>> I made changes to the plugin to recognize the javascript onchange, so
>>> there is no problems with detecting and making the ajax call. The ajax call
>>> goes to a separate page "lazy_options" in the same controller.
>>> Whenever the first field onchange is triggered, the second field will
>>> update (expected behavior).
>>> But the html that appears is not a SELECT field.
>>> I use SQLTABLE(rows) because that was in the example provided. In place
>>> of that I have tried "return rows", tried to assemble SELECT/OPTIONS on my
>>> own to no avail.
>>> I appreciate your help! What am I missing? Thank you :)
>>> On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:06:37 PM UTC+8, Richard wrote:
>>>> Can you provide :
>>>> Models (for the concerned tables)
>>>> Controller (page form concerned)
>>>> View (of the function page)
>>>> It will be easier to help.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:56 AM, lyn2py <lyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Yes that is the internal code.
>>>>> I don't understand the example given. I have tested it but I don't
>>>>> know what I'm missing.
>>>>> My setup is also different than the example given in their website.
>>>>> My current and only bottleneck is what value to return to the ajax
>>>>> call. I have tried SQLTABLE(rows), SELECT, rows, XML versions and none
>>>>> could produce a select field with the filtered options.
>>>>> Please help, I am out of ideas.
>>>>> --
>>>>  --
>>  --


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