I'm receiving the following message when logging in to the admin interface 
of web2py on my hostmonster account:

Login requires a secure (HTTPS) connection or running on localhost.

I've followed the instructions here:  

It appears that this:

if request.env.http_x_forwarded_for \
        or request.env.wsgi_url_scheme in ['https', 'HTTPS'] \
        or request.env.https == 'on':
elif not remote_addr in hosts:
    raise HTTP(200, T('Admin is disabled because insecure channel'))

has been changed to this:

if request.env.http_x_forwarded_for or request.is_https:
elif not request.is_local and not DEMO_MODE:
    raise HTTP(200, T('Admin is disabled because insecure channel'))

but commenting it out still does not help.


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