On Wednesday, 22 August 2012 15:28:50 UTC+2, Johann Spies wrote:
> Hallo Daniel,I have defined a database table which has some fields which 
> must be computed:
>>     Field('password', 'password', length=512, 
>> compute=automatic_password,readable
>> =False, label='Password'),
>> The functions create_new_agent and automatic_password are part of my 
>> libraries. They are returning the expected types (strings in both cases)
> If you search the book for 'computed field' you will see that you need to 
> use lambda in this case.
> Try 
> Field('password', 'password', length=512, compute=lambda r: 
> automatic_password(), readable=False, label='Password'),
> You did not show the code for 'automatic_password'.  If that function 
> needs an argument, then you will have to use automatic_password(r) in the 
> above line.
> Regards
> Johann
> Regards
> Johann


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