Thank you so much i got it working. I removed the readable=false and 
writable=false and it works on update now.  Those are not needed anyway 
because when the compute field is added on the model it hides it 


On Thursday, August 9, 2012 2:14:42 PM UTC-6, Deidre wrote:
> If you look at issue 822 you will see an example of a thumb that works on 
> update. As the comments say, you have to not set writeable to false for the 
> thumb. If you do set writeable to false then compute only works on add not 
> edit or update.
> So my experience is that compute for images to create a thumb does work on 
> update.
> Peter
> On Thursday, August 9, 2012 5:04:28 PM UTC+1, Brandon Reynolds wrote:
>> Has anyone found a way to fix this yet? Or is there a thumbnail module 
>> out now? Like django's
>> Brandon
>> On Monday, June 18, 2012 10:24:05 AM UTC-6, Brandon Reynolds wrote:
>>> I have this problem when i try to generate thumbnails. If the field is 
>>> empty it inserts the photo thumb into the thumbnail. But when i try to 
>>> update that record the thumbnail doesn't change. 
>>> Here is my model:
>>> # coding: utf8
>>> from image import THUMBER
>>> db.define_table('park', 
>>> Field('park_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('park_city', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('park_state', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('park_address', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('park_zip', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('country', default="USA", notnull=True, readable=False, 
>>> writable=False),
>>> Field('park_phone', requires=IS_MATCH('[\d\-\(\) ]+')),
>>> Field('park_fax', requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_MATCH('[\d\-\(\) ]+'))),
>>> Field('park_phone_2', 'string', requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_MATCH('[\d\-\(\) 
>>> ]+'))),
>>> Field('photo1', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb1', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo2', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb2', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo3', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb3', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo4', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb4', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo5', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb5', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('manager', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('manager_email', requires=IS_EMAIL()),
>>> Field('spaces', 'integer', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('vacant', 'integer'),
>>> Field('lot_rent', 'integer', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('water', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('sewer', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('trash', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('pool', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('playground', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('clubhouse', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('laundromat', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('rv_spaces', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('storage', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('handicap_accessible', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('community_description', 'text'),
>>> format='%(park_name)s')
>>> db.define_table('home', 
>>> Field('pid', notnull=True, readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('lot'),
>>> Field('year', length=4, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('make'),
>>> Field('model'),
>>> Field('width', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('length', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('wide', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('for_sale', 'boolean', default=True),
>>> Field('beds', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('baths', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('fridge', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('stove', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('dishwasher', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('microwave', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('washer', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('dryer', 'boolean'),
>>> Field('photo1', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo1_text'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb1', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo2', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo2_text'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb2', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo3', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo3_text'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb3', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo4', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo4_text'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb4', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('photo5', 'upload'),
>>> Field('photo5_text'),
>>> Field('photo_thumb5', 'upload', readable=False, writable=False),
>>> Field('price',requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('description', 'text', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('posted_on', 'datetime', readable=False, writable=False))
>>> db.define_table('state',
>>> Field('name'),
>>> Field('full_name'))
>>> db.define_table('wide',
>>> Field('type'),
>>> format='%(type)s')
>>> db.park.park_state.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', '%(full_name)s 
>>> (%(name)s)', zero=T('Select State'))
>>> db.home.wide.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'wide.type', '%(type)s', 
>>> zero=T('Select Home Type'))
>>> db.park.photo_thumb1.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo1, 
>>> "photo_thumb1", 144, 115)
>>> db.park.photo_thumb2.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo2, 
>>> "photo_thumb2", 144, 115)
>>> db.park.photo_thumb3.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo3, 
>>> "photo_thumb3", 144, 115)
>>> db.park.photo_thumb4.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo4, 
>>> "photo_thumb4", 144, 115)
>>> db.park.photo_thumb5.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo5, 
>>> "photo_thumb5", 144, 115)
>>> db.home.photo_thumb1.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo1, 
>>> "photo_thumb1", 144, 115)
>>> db.home.photo_thumb2.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo2, 
>>> "photo_thumb2", 144, 115)
>>> db.home.photo_thumb3.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo3, 
>>> "photo_thumb3", 144, 115)
>>> db.home.photo_thumb4.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo4, 
>>> "photo_thumb4", 144, 115)
>>> db.home.photo_thumb5.compute = lambda row: THUMBER(row.photo5, 
>>> "photo_thumb5", 144, 115)
>>> Here is my controller:
>>> def index():
>>>     return locals()
>>> def parks():
>>>     if request.args(0):
>>>         parks = 
>>> db(db.park.park_state==request.args(0)).select(orderby=db.park.park_city|db.park.park_name)
>>>     else:
>>>         parks = 
>>> db(db.park).select(orderby=db.park.park_state|db.park.park_city|db.park.park_name)
>>>     return locals()
>>> def park():
>>>     park = db.park(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('parks'))
>>>     homes = db(
>>> )
>>>     return locals()
>>> def home():
>>>     home = db.home(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('parks'))
>>>     park = db.park(
>>>     return locals()
>>> def home_feed():
>>>     home = db(db.home).select(
>>>     return locals()
>>> @auth.requires_membership('Admin')
>>> def new_park():
>>>     form = crud.create(db.park, next='park/[id]')
>>>     return locals()
>>> @auth.requires_membership('Admin')
>>> def new_home():
>>> = request.args(0) or redirect(URL('parks'))
>>>     db.home.price.default = "$0000.00"
>>>     db.home.posted_on.default =
>>>     form = crud.create(db.home, next='home/[id]')
>>>     return locals()
>>> @auth.requires_membership('Admin')
>>> def edit_park():
>>>     park = db.park(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('parks'))
>>>     form = crud.update(db.park, park, next='park/[id]')
>>>     return locals()
>>> @auth.requires_membership('Admin')
>>> def edit_home():
>>>     home = db.home(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('parks'))
>>>     form = crud.update(db.home, home, next='home/[id]')
>>>     return locals()
>>> def about_us():
>>>     return locals()
>>> def employment_opportunities():
>>>     return locals()
>>> def park_management():
>>>     return locals()
>>> def make_park_thumbs():
>>> from image import THUMBER
>>> parks=db(db.park).select(orderby=db.park.park_state)
>>> for park in parks:
>>> park.update_record(photo_thumb1 = THUMBER(park.photo1, "photo_thumb1", 
>>> 144, 115))
>>> park.update_record(photo_thumb2 = THUMBER(park.photo2, "photo_thumb2", 
>>> 144, 115))
>>> park.update_record(photo_thumb3 = THUMBER(park.photo3, "photo_thumb3", 
>>> 144, 115))
>>> park.update_record(photo_thumb4 = THUMBER(park.photo4, "photo_thumb4", 
>>> 144, 115))
>>> park.update_record(photo_thumb5 = THUMBER(park.photo5, "photo_thumb5", 
>>> 144, 115))
>>> db.commit()
>>> Here is the THUMBER function
>>> from gluon import current
>>> def THUMBER(image, db_photo_var, nx=120, ny=120, name='thumb'):
>>>     if image:
>>>         try:
>>>             request = current.request
>>>             from PIL import Image
>>>             import os
>>>             img = + 'uploads/' + image)
>>>             img.db_photo_var((nx, ny), Image.ANTIALIAS)
>>>             root, ext = os.path.splitext(image)
>>>             thumb = '%s_%s%s' % (root, name, ext)
>>>    + 'uploads/' + thumb)
>>>             return thumb
>>>         except Exception:
>>>             return image
>>> What should i do to get these working on update? At the bottom of the 
>>> controller you will notice a the make_park_thumbs() function. That was one 
>>> way of try to fix this and having it set to run on updates. However won't 
>>> generate a thumbnail it just returns the original photo. This would work if 
>>> you can tell why that function won't work. Let me know what to do.
>>> Braandon


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