You might also try:

if 0: from gluon import *

That will tell the IDE about all the web2py global objects that get added 
to the execution environment (they're all exposed in /gluon/


On Saturday, August 18, 2012 3:56:53 PM UTC-4, thinkwell wrote:
> I've set as debug file, but it's irritating to have the gui pop 
> open all the time. Also, the TK server window refuses to close after I stop 
> debugging, so after a time there's this proliferation of server windows. 
> :-|   I've just included the lines below in each file, which helps 
> autocompletion.
> if 0:
>     import db
> Any other WingIDE tips, let me know.
> On Saturday, August 18, 2012 3:32:49 PM UTC-4, Marin Pranjić wrote:
>> You can run web2py in wingide if you set as main debug file.


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