mind if I post my SQLAlchemy code on Monday? I'm still a bit "off" with what I'm trying to accomplish in web2py.
On 8/17/2012 3:41 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
It depends on context. Web2py DAL is closer to SQL than on ORM. Assuming


you have two options:


db.define_table('message',Field('body'),Field('recipients','list:reference person'))

for row in db(db.message).select(): # one select
    for recipient in row.recipents:
       print recipient.name # one select per recipient to get name (lazy)



for message in db(db.message).select():
    for recipient in message.recipient.select()  # one select/message
        print recipient.person.name # one select/recipient

or with a single select using joins:

for row in db(db.message.id==db.recipient.message)(db.recipient.person==person.id).select()
    print row.message.body, row.person.id

On Friday, 17 August 2012 11:01:34 UTC-5, Larry Wapnitsky wrote:

    OK.  I"m getting close, but I"m stuck on the following SQLAlchemy
    code conversion:

        recipients =relationship('Recipient',
                                  secondary =mr_link,
                                  backref ='message',
                                  lazy ='dynamic')

        attachments =relationship('Attachment',
                                   secondary =ma_link,
                                   backref ='message',
                                   lazy ='dynamic')

    I don't see how to adapt this in the manual.


    On Friday, August 17, 2012 8:24:41 AM UTC-4, Larry Wapnitsky wrote:

        Thanks, Massimo. I'll give this a read and see if I can adapt
        it properly.

        As usual, your hard work is greatly appreciated.

        On 8/15/2012 6:34 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
        I meant this:


        On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 14:22:36 UTC-5, Larry Wapnitsky

            I have a project in which I've just written the database
            functions using SQLAlchemy.  It was much simpler than my
            original, hand-written SQL queries, especially once I got
            the hang of creating "relationships" with SA's ORM.

            Now, I would like to create a front-end for this using
            web2py, but, from experience, I know the DAL and SA's ORM
            are very different.

            What's the group's view on the best way to integrate my
            two projects?




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