Thanks :)

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:15 AM, Franco <> wrote:

> Try with this version. I need to warning you the python regex are
> different of javascript regex, so it could be problematic depending of the
> regex that you use.
> El miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012 00:37:35 UTC-3, Alec Taylor escribió:
>> Thanks a heap Franco :)
>> The only suggestion I have is to add the `IS_MATCH` validator
>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Franco <> wrote:
>>> Ups, I made a double post. Anyway if there are any interested, here is
>>> an example of use:
>>> def validation():
>>>     from plugin_ValidationEngine import JsSQLFORM
>>>     f = JsSQLFORM.factory(
>>>         Field('first_name', requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_LENGTH(20, 3
>>> )], label = 'First Name'),
>>>         Field('last_name', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label = 'Last
>>> Name'),
>>>         Field('id', requires = IS_LENGTH(12, 12), label = 'Id'),
>>>         Field('age', requires = IS_INT_IN_RANGE(18, 65), label = 'Age'),
>>>         Field('amount', requires = IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE(1, 9999.99), label
>>> = 'Amount')
>>>     )
>>>     if f.accepts(request, session):
>>>         response.flash = 'Ok'
>>>     else:
>>>         response.flash = 'Bad'
>>>     return dict(form = f)
>>> def validation2():
>>>     from plugin_ValidationEngine import JsSQLFORM
>>>     f = JsSQLFORM(db.test)
>>>     if f.accepts(request, session):
>>>         response.flash = 'Ok'
>>>     else:
>>>         response.flash = 'Bad'
>>>     return dict(form = f)
>>> Until now i implemented 7 validators (IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_EMAIL, IS_**UR**
>>> I hear suggestions.
>>> El lunes, 23 de julio de 2012 17:36:39 UTC-3, Franco escribió:
>>>> Greetings everyone, I want to share with you a plugin that adds client
>>>> side validation to your forms. I hope this be helpful to you.
>>>> It uses in the same way that you use SQLFORM class.
>>>> See you soon.
>>>> PS: Sorry for my bad english.
>>>> <>
>>>>  --
>>  --


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