
*>As I mentioned earlier, replace BADWORDS.match(value) with
*. Sorry I missed that, you made it perfectly clear...

*> add word boundaries r'\b' to the RE, 
>.. Though he said he explicitly did not want to do that.
*. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.... but the word boundary will be useful to 
me in future.

Thanks all

I will return just a True, or False with this, then add a validator to the 
username for registration,
then do some testing, and post complete solution, moving code to the proper 
place, with conditional etc.

Google doesn't allow bad words for usernames,
but rather than lecture you on bad words, they just say
Username:* frig*you123 is already taken...

and you can keep trying, like
*    frig*you123vvzz.yeearbob
and Google will just tell you that name is taken,
which I don't think it is :)

*Here is my code, now working...

# this import is required in web2py
import base64, re

#let's assume:
#  username can't contain spaces, just a-z and periods

# 'frig' is a very bad word
# 'sadf' is a racial slur

# so even if a person's name as frig, or asdf in it
# we will not let them use that.

# asdf    - is a bad username
# asdfyou - is a bad username
# youasdf - is NOT a bad username, but IT SHOULD BE.
badlist = ['frig', 'asdf', 'etc']

BADWORDS = re.compile(r'|'.join(badlist))

class IS_BAD:
    def __init__(self,error_message='bad word is contained in username'):
        self.error_message = error_message
    def __call__(self,value):
            return (value,self.error_message)
        return (value, None)


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