Ok, done (the "save output for TIMEOUTted tasks").
Small issue, but quite manageable: when a task "timeouts" the output now is 
saved, and you have the traceback to see "where" it stopped.
e.g. queue function1 with a timeout of 5 seconds

def function1():
    print "first print"
    print "second print"

The scheduler_run records will report:

   1. status = TIMEOUT
   2. output = first print
   3. traceback = 

/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py", line 203, in executor
    result = dumps(_function(*args,**vars))
  File "applications/w2p_scheduler_tests/models/scheduler.py", line 21, in 
  File "/home/niphlod/Scrivania/web2py_source/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py", 
line 446, in <lambda>
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, stack_frame: sys.exit(1))
SystemExit: 1

Is that ok ? The "small issue" here is that the traceback is "full", 
starting from where the process is stopped after 5 seconds (the executor 
function), to the "where" it really stopped (line 21, function1, in 
models/scheduler.py) that is the useful information. 
Should the scheduler report only the output and not the traceback for 
TIMEOUTted tasks?

On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 3:25:13 PM UTC+2, Daniel Haag wrote:
> Hi Niphlod,
> thanks for the great work with the scheduler, I'm using it in a project 
> where it handles lots of big data imports into a database and the migration 
> to your version was without any problems.
> On thing catched my eye in the old version and it still seems to be a 
> "problem/missing feature" in the new one. When a long running process gets 
> executed and produces output (print etc.) this output is written to the 
> database only after the task was run (and finished). It would be really 
> great if the output gets written into the task table while the task runs as 
> this would be a possible feedback mechanism (and we would not need another 
> table etc. just for that) just thinking of a progress meter for example.
> What I really miss though is the output of the task when it produces a 
> timeout - nothing in the task table about the output...
> Daniel


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