Asterisk is a telephony platform that works incredibly well, its a bit
intimidating for starters but once you find out that there are mainly only
 two important files : extensions.conf, sip.conf to make it work things
become clearer.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 12:43 AM, Changju <> wrote:

> Hi Ramos.
> Asterisk is really interesting to me. I'd like to know more about Asterisk.
> What would it be good for beginner for understanding Asterisk?
> (I had already read the articles on the Asterisk but I didn't get big
> picture of Asterisk.)
> And could you explain how your phone voting system works?
> Thanks,
> Changju.
> On Sunday, August 12, 2012 10:15:09 PM UTC+9, Ramos wrote:
>> i have a phone voting system with web2py and asterisk
>> 2012/8/12 Alan Etkin <>
>> I like it. I'd consider as a new feature (if not implemented yet) the
>>> option of submitting a new vote replacing the previous before deadline.
>>> El viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012 18:24:10 UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro
>>> escribió:
>>>> Demo service:
>>>> Source:
>>>> I could use some help checking it. Specifically usability and security.
>>>> Massimo
>>> --
>>  --


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