> Anthony's correct- this is in Auth, but is not being respected: 
> settings.password_min_length = 4

I just created a fresh app using trunk, and when I try to register without 
a password, I get a "too short" error message on the password field. What 
version of web2py are you using? Can we see your Auth related code? Or 
maybe you can pack and attach a simple app that exhibits the behavior.

> Massimo - "For security reason it will not be accepted for logging 
> anyway." - Not sure what you meant but it registered me and logged me in 
> with an empty pass.

By default, when you first register, you are automatically logged in upon 
registration (this can be disabled). I think Massimo meant that 
subsequently you will not be able to continue to login with an empty 

> I also tried inserting:
> db.auth_user.password.requires.insert(0,IS_LENGTH(minsize=5))

What happens whey you try that -- does it generate an error, or simply 
allow you to register without a password?



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