Here is a quote from an earlier thread: *Looks like a large number of the issues are actually enhancements, but they're all labeled as defects*
(Here is a link to the full thread:!topicsearchin/web2py/google$20code$20issues/web2py/OUoiAF6ERYs%5B1-25%5D ) This is a problem because it reflects badly on code quality and because it may misdirect efforts. In a world where defects take priority over enhancements, you want an accurate list of defects and a crisp definition of a defect. Also it is not a good use of time to be reviewing issue reports that should have been labeled correctly in the first place. So I'm posting this RFC to establish a consensus on defects vs. enhancements. The purpose is to create a shared point of view, not to criticize or complain. The first proposal is a reference to common sense. Code crashes, hangs, and the like are defects when caused by the Web2py code. Same for slow responses. Also true for view issues like overlapping fields. On the other hand, problems like these caused by user code are not Web2py defects. The second proposal is a reference to the manual. An issue represents a defect only if the code returns results that do not conform to the manual. Requests for changes in behavior where the code does what the manual says are enhancements. After the manual come posts in this Google group, such as Massimo's initial announce of grid and smartgrid. Though the initial announcement was more of an invitation to try out the new features, the thread quickly expanded into a discussion of what the new features would and would not do. Thus the third proposal is to use this Google group as a criterion to distinguish between correct and incorrect code behavior. Because to commitment to not break backward compatibility, the manual takes precedence over comments in this group unless the manual is incorrect. Also it would be helpful to tag new feature announcements with something like "experimental feature." --