Really funny post Bruno!

Agree mostly with Massimo, let's good programmer roll!


On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:56 AM, <
> wrote:

> I Agree. Good words.
> On 08/09/2012 10:48 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Listen everybody. This thread is hilarious but not very professional.
>> I think most of the people on this thread are hardcore programmers and
>> most of us came to some conclusions:
>> 1) it is not the idea that has value, it is the execution
>> 2) the success of a project is strongly correlated with the skills of
>> the programmers who work on it, the time and love they put in it.
>> 3) it does not really matter how much money is put into a project, if
>> the programmers are not good, and if they do not care about the project,
>> it will not succeed.
>> Is there any value in management and or of software development methods?
>> I think there is. I am not saying which method is best because there is
>> not one size fits all but good programmers in my experience are self
>> disciplined. They follow a methodology to keep track of bugs and
>> systematically fix them. Their methodology may not exactly match named
>> ones (agile or waterfall or other) but it is a methodology.
>> Massimo
>> --
> --


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