There is no slice... I didn't have time, but I can help you as much as I
can here.

Notice that there seems to have a new implementation of the autocomplete
widget coming with the new web2py 2.0, so I will have to look at the code
and implement again the add option to it.


On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 12:46 AM, lyn2py <> wrote:

> Hi Richard, I'm interested in this, how can I get this web2py slice?
> On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:44:20 AM UTC+8, Richard wrote:
>> Can't link the app too big (thanks to google 4 meg max :( )...
>> Ask me in private I will send you the app directly.
>> Richard
>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Richard Vézina <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Here a demo app, hope it will help for now... It the best I can do now.
>>> Try to understand it carefully, if you can make works the slice about
>>> SelectOrAddOption, you will be able to adapt my **
>>> AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddO**ption to your needs. So follow the
>>> slice tutorial carefully and transpose to the need widget. Only the part
>>> about *"add" function* that you don't initialize same way, you just
>>> pass everything to the widget like this : AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddO
>>> **ption(request, db.table2.table2field1,
>>>   , limitby=(0,10), min_length=2,
>>>             form_title=T('Add new table2 item'), controller="tables",
>>>             *function="add_table2_item"*, button_text = T('Add new'))
>>> There is only one error I can't get rid of is that Add Option trigger a
>>> not belong field error on update form... I don't have this error in my own
>>> app so I should be minor, I will try to find why it not working. I thought
>>> that it could be because of similar name between table so I rename form
>>> field1 to table1field1 and table2field1, not working neither. Will try to
>>> find the origin of the issue.
>>> NOTE : It base on Autocomplete available in web2py 1.99.4 and it should
>>> works (except the error I am talking about) with web2py 1.99.4.
>>> TODO : Look for change that Manuele did to autocomplete widget and use
>>> this version of the widget to merge the SelectOrAddOption.
>>> Richard
>>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Richard Vézina <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, I will work on this to allow possible user to have access to this
>>>> ressource.
>>>> I will clean the code a bit and write a tutorial step by step with the
>>>> element to adapt to your context.
>>>> Give me a couples of hours.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 6:44 AM, Johann Spies 
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> On 25 April 2012 23:48, Richard Vézina <>wrote:
>>>>>> Hope it works for you Johann.
>>>>> Unfortunately I did not have any success with this recipe.  I can get
>>>>> the select_or_add widget working but not this one.
>>>>> Thanks for your trouble anyhow.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Johann
>>>>> --
>>>>> Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
>>>>> my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)
>>  --


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