Default isolation level for mysql is 'Repeatable Read'.
It does not see commits from other transactions.
You can use db.commit to update table snapshot or you can change isolation 
level with db.executesql at the beginning of transaction. 'Read Committed' 
level is what you need.

Postgres & MSSQL have 'Read Committed' by default.
Not sure about sqlite but if it works then it works :)


Dana ponedjeljak, 6. kolovoza 2012. 22:08:37 UTC+2, korisnik Niphlod 
napisao je:
> I'm somewhat baffled by an issue that came up when testing the scheduler. 
> BTW, I'm on Windows for this test, but someone reported the same problem 
> for unix/mac too.
> Maybe someone more experienced than me can explain this.
> From my understanding, the DBAPI for python allows me to:
> - have a "consumer" process reading the data on some table
> - have another "producer" process inserting data and then committing it
> - the next round the "consumer" reads the table, the data inserted by 
> "producer" is readable (and fetchable)
> This is working with SQLite, Postgresql, MSSQL but not for MySQL (at least 
> on my machine). Don't know what's going on.
> Steps to reproduce:
> from gluon import DAL, Field
> import time
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     db = DAL('mysql://....')
>     db.define_table('testingtable',
>         Field('testcol'))
>     for a in range(1000):
>         print a, db(>0).count()
>         #db.commit()
>         time.sleep(2)
> from gluon import DAL, Field
> import time
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     db = DAL('mysql://....')
>     db.define_table('testingtable',
>         Field('testcol'))
>     for a in range(1000):
>         print a, db.testingtable.insert(testcol=a)
>         db.commit()
>         time.sleep(2)
> Starting both scripts and watching the output, I end up having the 
> consumer not seeing the inserted (and committed) rows from the consumer.
> All seems to work as intended if the db.commit() line is uncommented in 
> the script.
> Now, have I completely missed the DBAPI implementation or MySQL driver 
> works differently ? (some kind of transaction-isolation issue maybe ?) 


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