So the label for your checkboxes is the record id instead of the email address?
Right at the moment I don't know the answer ... Sorry. On Monday, August 6, 2012 3:27:15 PM UTC-4, goabbear wrote: > > Hi, > thanks for your help, I can now have checkboxes in the form, but I can't > change the "destinataire" field from "id" to "email" : > def sabonner(): > abo = db.abonnement > abo.mailinglist_id.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes.widget > form = SQLFORM(abo) > return dict(form=form) > > Where can I specify wich fields can be exposed in the form? > thanks > > > Le lundi 6 août 2012 21:02:44 UTC+2, Cliff Kachinske a écrit : >> >> For starters, I'm not sure the syntax is correct for multiple validators. >> The Web2py manual states they need to be in the form of a list. >> >> >> >> Also notice I have cleaned up the closing parends. >> >> db.abonnement.destinataire_id.requires = [ >> IS_IN_DB(db, '', '%(email)s',), >> IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.abonnement.mailinglist_id==request.vars. >> mailinglist_id), 'abonnement.destinataire_id') >> )] >> >> To change from a dropdown box to checkboxes, you would use widgets. >> Check out >> >> On Monday, August 6, 2012 12:52:54 PM UTC-4, goabbear wrote: >>> >>> Hi all, >>> I have tried django before and I want to give a try to web2py because it >>> looks more language natural, but I run into a problem (sorry if my question >>> is stupid) : >>> in : >>> ######################## >>> >>> db.define_table('destinataire', >>> Field >>> <>('email', unique=True, >>> required=True, length=30), >>> Field >>> <>('nom', length=30), >>> Field >>> <>('prenom', length=30), >>> Field >>> <>('entreprise', length=30), >>> Field >>> <>('fax', length=10), >>> format = '%(email)s') >>> >>> db.define_table('mailinglist', >>> Field >>> <>('nom', unique=True, >>> required=True, length=30), >>> Field >>> <>('description', >>> required=True, length=150), >>> Field >>> <>('declencheur', >>> required=True, length=30), >>> Field >>> <>('public', 'boolean'), >>> format = '%(nom)s') >>> >>> db.define_table('abonnement', >>> Field >>> <>('destinataire_id', >>> db.destinataire), >>> Field >>> <>('mailinglist_id', >>> db.mailinglist) >>> ) >>> >>> = IS_NOT_IN_DB >>> <>(db, >>> >>> = IS_EMAIL >>> <>() >>> = IS_NOT_EMPTY >>> <>() >>> >>> db.mailinglist.nom.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB >>> <>(db, >>> db.mailinglist.nom) >>> db.mailinglist.nom.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY >>> <>() >>> db.mailinglist.description.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY >>> <>() >>> db.mailinglist.declencheur.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY >>> <>() >>> >>> #l'abonnement d'un destinataire à une mailinglist doit être unique >>> #tiré de >>> db.abonnement.destinataire_id.requires = IS_IN_DB >>> <>(db, >>> '', '%(email)s', >>> _and=IS_NOT_IN_DB >>> <>(db(db.abonnement.mailinglist_id==request >>> <>.vars.mailinglist_id), >>> 'abonnement.destinataire_id')) >>> >>> ######################## >>> >>> As described, a "destinataire" can make multiple subscriptions "abonnement" >>> to "mailinglist", and a mailinglist have multiple subscribers. >>> >>> I don't understand how to give a user the possibility to make a >>> subscription to multiple mailinglists in one form like : >>> >>> enter email : _____ >>> >>> select mailinglists : >>> >>> ml1 X >>> >>> ml2 X >>> >>> ml3 . >>> >>> where the user select each mailinglist he wants to subscribe with a >>> checkbox. >>> >>> Thanks for any help >>> >>> --