Hi Anthony, I cannot reproduce the problem. When I try the code, all the & entities > remain in the rendered source.
Thanks for trying to reproduce the problem. Since the iframe solution also had difficulty with near and location I replaced my code with the solution Alec provided, now I have the markers at the right place and the image centered correctly. <img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?markers=color:0x0088CC|label:L|{{=session.address.street}}+{{=session.address.houseNumber}}{{if session.address.houseNumberExtension:}}+{{=session.address.houseNumberExtension}}{{pass}}+{{=session.address.postalCode}}+{{=session.address.locality}}+Nederland&zoom=13&size=624x384&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false" alt="Map" /> Furthermore this solution provides me with a way to have multiple markers in the same image. Kind regards, Annet. --