Very odd. If you do not have data in there, can I suggest you delete 
everything in applications/yourapp/databases and access appadmin again? 
Does it work?

On Sunday, 5 August 2012 20:33:50 UTC-5, metaperl wrote:
> Terrence Brannon <schemelab@...> writes: 
> > 
> > Terrence Brannon <schemelab@...> writes: 
> > 
> > > 
> > > Dang. I forgot to make references between tables. 
> I added the reference and the sql.log shows it: 
> ALTER TABLE t_manufacturer ADD model_id INTEGER REFERENCES t_model(id) ON 
> However, when I click on "Database Administration" and "[ insert new 
> t_model ]", 
> there is no field referencing the manufacturer for me to choose. 
> How can I get the database administration to recognize the new field? 


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