Yes, it seems like that is the problem. I couldn't find a way of dealing 
with this case in so I guess my only option is to handle these 
cases separately in my nginx config. It is a shame, though, that there's 
not a simple way of dealing with this directly in web2py by rewriting 
outgoing URLs. Please correct me if I'm wrong or you have a better idea.
Also, as I'm in the process of migrating from cherokee to nginx I could use 
some help regarding nginx mapping from someone with a better knowledge of 
the topic. What I wrote in the config file this far is quite 
straightforward but I barely have an idea how something like the above 
mentioned solution should be accomplished.

2012. augusztus 6., hétfő 4:20:24 UTC+2 időpontban Jonathan Lundell a 
következőt írta:
> On 5 Aug 2012, at 7:10 PM, pbreit <> wrote:
> Shouldn't it be:
> root /home/www-data/web2py/applications/myapp/;
> No, he was saying it works OK without a language specified. Setting 
> map_static=False (which is the default) means that static URLs have a full 
> URL, including the app name. 
> I think I know what the problem is, though. When a language is specified, 
> the URL is /app/lang/static/..., which the router would map to 
> /app/static/lang/..., but nginx is not.
> I don't know the nginx mapping syntax. If possible, you want to map 
> /app/en/static/... to /app/static/en/..., and the same for hu. I'm thinking 
> that the router should have another variation to handle this case in a more 
> straightforward way. Or else this case should always put the language in 
> the same order as the physical file layout. I don't *think* that'd cause 
> backward compatibility problems...


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