Multiple condition if statements work fine in views. Try:

{{if 'yes'=='yes' and 'yes'=='yes':}}

The problem is likely in your code -- conditionB probably isn't equal to 
"Yes" when you think it is. Perhaps if you show more code we can figure it 


On Friday, August 3, 2012 7:34:50 PM UTC-4, adohertyd wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone has a solution to this. I have an if statement in 
> a view:
> {{if conditionA == "Yes":}}
> {{for obj in ListA:}}
> <li>{{=obj}}</li>
> {{pass}}
> {{pass}}
> This works fine. Now, if I add another condition to the if statement, that 
> I know exists:
> {{if conditionA == "Yes" and conditionB=="Yes":}}
> {{for obj in ListB:}}
> <li>{{=obj}}</li>
> {{pass}}
> {{pass}}
> It gives me no output but it definitely should. Am I missing something 
> here? I can't see any similar examples in the docs


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