> Chrome:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>  1
> 2
> 3
> <!--
> web2py_component("/myapp/advert/list.load","c058198399259")
> //-->
> </script>
> <div id="c058198399259"/>
> During page reload there are a message 'loading...'  for ~1second, and 
> then div is still empty.
> Also there aren't any logs in console.

Are you saying the div does load properly when the page first loads, but 
the problem only occurs when the page reloads? Or does it not load at all? 
I cannot reproduce the problem. Are you sure web2py.js has loaded, and have 
you made any changes to web2py.js? Do you see any Javascript errors in the 
Chrome console? It might help to show all the view code (layout.html as 
well as a view that is included in it).



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