Haven't been able to find a solution to this on Groups - I'm NEW to web2py, but enjoying it a great deal.
Note: I learned how to make custom fields in User's table, that was easy. *Assumptions*: *User: jsmith Custom fields: Country, Age Country=Canada Age=34* I want to make a few of the user's profile public - no login is required to view SOME of the fields I know if jsmith is logged in, he can access only his profile at: *http://somesocialwebsite/default/user/profile* *Question/problem:* *How do I make a public url like: ** http://somesocialwebsite/jsmith* *return * *<html> <body>* *Some Social Website <h1>User Name: jsmith</h1> <h2>Age: 34</h2> <h3>Country: Canada</h3>* *</body> </html>* Any help, or pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated, thanks, Rob Reference: Adding custom fields https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/web2py/db.auth_user$20adding$20fields/web2py/H0g7WUV7ubg/7AxpjU_tFL8J --