This thread was opened by Necati who reports to be using 1.77 and we cannot 
support something so old.

I assume you are having the same problem. Can you tell us more about your 
code so that we can reproduce the problem?
This is usually due a non-thread safe use of the db object. For example you 
store something that points to db in cache.ram and then you use it in a 
different request.

On Sunday, 29 July 2012 15:09:25 UTC-5, Elton Pereira de Lima wrote:
> I'm using version 2.0.0
> Elton Pereira
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> wrote:
>> The version of web2py that you are running is more than 2 years old. You 
>> need to upgrade to the latest stable before we can help you. The problem 
>> may have been solved long ago.
>> Massimo
>> On Sunday, 29 July 2012 14:23:18 UTC-5, Elton Pereira de Lima wrote:
>>> There solution to this problem?
>>> I'm experiencing the same problem and I find no solution, what is the 
>>> cause?
>>> Tanks!
>>> Em domingo, 2 de maio de 2010 19h25min42s UTC-3, mdipierro escreveu:
>>>> Can you show the complete model and controller? If you want you can 
>>>> email it to me confidentially. 
>>>> Massimo 
>>>> On May 2, 12:54 pm, Necati Demir <> wrote: 
>>>> > web2py version: Version 1.77.3 (2010-04-20 02:48:54) 
>>>> > 
>>>> > Here is the traceback from ticket: 
>>>> > 
>>>> > Traceback (most recent call last): 
>>>> > 
>>>> >   File "/home/ndemir/web2py/gluon/**", line 178, in 
>>>> restricted 
>>>> > 
>>>> >     exec ccode in environment 
>>>> > 
>>>> >   File 
>>>> > "/home/ndemir/web2py/**applications/project1/**controllers/" 
>>>> > </admin/default/edit/**urlshortner/controllers/**>, line 
>>>> 10, in 
>>>> > <module> 
>>>> > 
>>>> >   File "/home/ndemir/web2py/gluon/**", line 96, in 
>>>> <lambda> 
>>>> > 
>>>> >     self._caller = lambda f: f() 
>>>> > 
>>>> >   File "/home/ndemir/web2py/**applications/ 
>>>> > </admin/default/edit/**urlshortner/controllers/**>project1 
>>>> > </admin/default/edit/**urlshortner/controllers/**
>>>> > </admin/default/edit/**urlshortner/controllers/**>, line 
>>>> 6, in 
>>>> > index 
>>>> > 
>>>> >     dbOBJECT.url.insert(variable1=**request.vars.variable1, 
>>>> > variable2=request.vars.**variable2) 
>>>> >   File "/home/ndemir/web2py/gluon/**", line 1926, in insert 
>>>> > 
>>>> >     self._db._execute(query) 
>>>> > 
>>>> >   File "/home/ndemir/web2py/gluon/**", line 958, in <lambda> 
>>>> > 
>>>> >     self._execute = lambda *a, **b: self._cursor.execute(*a, **b) 
>>>> > InterfaceError: cursor already closed 
>>>> > 
>>>> > On 2 May 2010 00:59, mdipierro <> wrote: 
>>>> > 
>>>> > 
>>>> > 
>>>> > > Can you tell us more? 
>>>> > 
>>>> > > What os? what web2py version? what code? Is there a complete 
>>>> > > traceback? Is the error in a ticket? Can we see the ticket? 
>>>> > 
>>>> > > Massimo 
>>>> > 
>>>> > > On May 1, 3:35 pm, Necati Demir <> wrote: 
>>>> > > > Hello, 
>>>> > 
>>>> > > > I get this error with database operations: InterfaceError: cursor 
>>>> > > > already closed 
>>>> > > > I get the same error with mysql and postgresql. 
>>>> > 
>>>> > > > Any suggestions? 
>>>> > 
>>>> > -- 
>>>> > Necati DEMİRhttp://blog.demir.web.**tr 
>>>> > ndemir ~ 
>>>> > ------------------------------**--------- 
>>>  -- 
> -- 
> Elton Pereira de Lima
> Linux System Administrator
> Django Developer
> ---------------------------------------------
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