I think, the best way is to use autolinks as a render()'s parameter (autolinks
replaces auto parameter):
def default_autolinks(url):
""" default autolinks for links, pictures and
videos using video tag
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)
render(....., autolinks=default_autolinks)
disable autolinks:
render(....., autolinks=None)
use other autolinks:
from gluon.contrib.autolinks import expand_one
render(...., autolinks=lambda url: expand_one(url, {}) )
Your decision?
Vladyslav Kozlovskyy
28.07.12 17:36, Massimo Di Pierro написав(ла):
1.2. I wrote autolinks and it is not used by anything else. We can change the
licence and - in principle - we can move the code we need in markmin2html.py.
3. yes
4. perhaps we can pass a dict to markmin?
5. I do not think embed is documented in the book. If we silently ignore embed
and treat embed:http://... the same as http://.. and the url points to an
oembed service, it should still embed using the oembed rules. If not it will
use a link instead of an iframe. Technically is a minor change of behavior but
it will not break any app. Alternatively we can use embed: as alias of
iframe:... if no oembed rule. What do you think?
On Saturday, 28 July 2012 08:21:20 UTC-5, dbdeveloper wrote:
autolinks is right module. but I have some questions:
1. markmin doesn't have dependencies. Now it will be dependent on
autolinks. Solution: we can "disable" autolink if it isn't found on path.
2. Autolink is LGPL, makmin is MIT/BSD/GPL. I do not understand
differentiation between them. Is there all alright ?
3. now the regex expression for search autolinks must be: http(s)://*
4. second parameter for expand_one: {} - do we always need to use empty
dict here or better to use variable to cache repeated urls ?
5. if embed will be depricated, how about backward compatibility?
Vladyslav Kozlovskyy
28.07.12 01:57, Massimo Di Pierro написав(ла):
I think embed:http://url.... should be deprecated in MARKMIN.
It think if a url is found and not marked-up whether or not prefixed with
"embed:" the url should be precessed by the function
This function uses the oembed protocol to figure out the best way to
embed the content pointed by the url (whether it is an image, a video, a
youtube page, etc.) The {} argument is a dictionary that will be used for
The iframe prefix should be left alone but may need to discuss security.
Should it be enabled by default?
This may actually simplify markmin.
On Thursday, 26 July 2012 17:30:21 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
Before you change it, let me think about this some more...
On Thursday, 26 July 2012 17:03:35 UTC-5, dbdeveloper wrote:
well, give me an example of correct iframe and embed output and
I'll change markmin. ok?
Vladyslav Kozlovskyy (Ukraine)
26.07.12 16:40, Jose написав(ла):
El jueves, 26 de julio de 2012 02:04:21 UTC-3, dbdeveloper
Hi, Jose!
try 'iframe' instead of 'embed':
Ok Vladyslav, but I think the same as Massimo, this breaks
backwards compatibility.