
This would be correct 

size exceeds 16 KB'))

but in I just noticed there is a problem in IS_LENGTH when combining it 
with other validators. I just fixed it in trunk, I think. Let me know if 
this works.


On Saturday, 28 July 2012 01:02:02 UTC-5, Annet wrote:
> I cannot reproduce the problem and I do not understand how it is possible 
>> that #2 is executed (with an error) but #1 is not (code below). I believe 
>> this is happening to you but I need your help figuring out why.
> I restarted my Mac, unzipped a second version of web2py and isolated the 
> problem.
> Apparently the validator:
> db.Person.photoFile.requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IMAGE(extensions=('gif','jpg','jpeg','png'),maxsize=(100,120)),IS_LENGTH(16*1024,error_message='file
> size exceeds 16 KB'))
> on:
> Field('photoFile',type='upload',autodelete=True)
> is the cause of the error. The print f statement in the code at line 1193 
> outputs this to the console:
> <gluon.validators.IS_LENGTH object at 0x159c9dd0>
> I had a look at the parentheses in the validator, but I believe got them 
> right, don't I? I hope this post is more helpful than the previous posts.
> Annet.


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