I find sometimes the admin shell doesn't work as expected, particularly for 
db related operations.


On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:34:49 PM UTC-4, Mark Li wrote:
> Massimo I tried your example and it worked! I was using the web2py web 
> shell from the admin interface before, but using the interactive console 
> shell through cygwin worked. 
> Thanks to you, Anthony, and viniciusban for helping out. 
> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 2:51:01 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I cannot reproduce the problem:
>> $ python web2py.py -S welcome -N
>> >>> db=DAL()
>> >>> db.define_table('testtable',
>> ... Field('column1'),
>> ... Field('column2'),
>> ... Field('column3','string'))
>> >>> 
>> db.testtable.import_from_csv_file(open('/Users/massimodipierro/Downloads/example.csv'),null='')
>> >>> print db(db.testtable).select()
>> testtable.id,testtable.column1,testtable.column2,testtable.column3
>> 1,record1,<NULL>,<NULL>
>> 2,record2,text,text
>> 3,record3,text,<NULL>
>> I tested with trunk. Can you try the same example from the shell, as I 
>> did?
>> On Wednesday, 25 July 2012 16:27:44 UTC-5, Mark Li wrote:
>>> I'm using SQLite3 on Windows (running from source). I didn't install 
>>> anything extra, just been using SQLite that came with web2py
>>> I attempted 
>>> try: 
>>>    db.testtable.import_from_csv_file('example.csv', null='')
>>> except: 
>>>    print db._lastsql 
>>>    db.rollback()
>>> However, print db._lastsql doesn't print anything.
>>> I made a new app and the problem still exists (can't import CSV from 
>>> shell and importing from database administration still gives empty string 
>>> instead of None).
>>> Here is my db.py code:
>>> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
>>> db.define_table('testtable',
>>> Field('column1'),
>>> Field('column2'),
>>> Field('column3','string'))
>>> From the web2py shell, I use:
>>> db.testtable.import_from_csv_file('example.csv', null='')
>>> which gives me the following error
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "c:\Users\Mark\Documents\dubliners\web2py\gluon\contrib\shell.py"
>>> , line 233, in run
>>>     exec compiled in statement_module.__dict__
>>>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
>>>   File "c:\Users\Mark\Documents\dubliners\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 
>>> 6955, in import_from_csv_file
>>>     new_id = self.insert(**dict(items))
>>>   File "c:\Users\Mark\Documents\dubliners\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 
>>> 6829, in insert
>>>     return self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
>>>   File "c:\Users\Mark\Documents\dubliners\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 928
>>> , in insert
>>>     raise e
>>> OperationalError: near ")": syntax error
>>> The 'example.csv' file is located in my web2py folder.
>>> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:23:56 AM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:
>>>> Can you attach a sample CSV file that fails, and show your table model 
>>>> code as well as any code used to do the import?
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 11:31:27 PM UTC-4, Mark Li wrote:
>>>>> Anthony, I tried
>>>>> db.mytable.import_from_csv_file([file object], null='')
>>>>> from the web2py shell, but it gave me an error:
>>>>> OperationalError: near ")": syntax error
>>>>> In fact, trying to import from csv using the book's method does not 
>>>>> work at all, although exporting works fine.
>>>>> Viniciusban, I'm inserting data through the database administation 
>>>>> interface (filling out the form). I've also tried importing the CSV file 
>>>>> through the administrative interface as well, where all blank spaces in 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> csv some out to empty strings (unless the field type is 'integer').
>>>>> On Monday, July 23, 2012 10:47:24 PM UTC-7, viniciusban wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, they are default settings. 
>>>>>> It's quite strange you get empty strings instead null (None, in 
>>>>>> Python). 
>>>>>> How are you inserting data into db? Are you using a SQLFORM or 
>>>>>> my_table.validate_and_insert() or simply mytable.insert()? 
>>>>>> Do you get same results (blank values) inserting it from web2py shell 
>>>>>> using simply mytable.insert()? 
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Vinicius Assef 
>>>>>> > On Monday, July 23, 2012 5:58:19 PM UTC-4, Mark Li wrote: 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> >     Aren't those the default values for a Field Contructor? I tried 
>>>>>> >     explicitly adding "notnull=False" and "required=False", and 
>>>>>> didn't 
>>>>>> >     set the default property, but empty values still come out as an 
>>>>>> >     empty string instead of None. 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> >     On Monday, July 23, 2012 2:48:56 PM UTC-7, viniciusban wrote: 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> >         As far as I know, let "notnull=False" and "required=False" 
>>>>>> for your 
>>>>>> >         fields and don't set "default" property. 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> >         On 07/23/2012 06:32 PM, Mark Li wrote: 
>>>>>> >         > Unfortunately the lambda method didn't work, Anthony. Any 
>>>>>> other ideas 
>>>>>> >         > for having a None default for empty entries? 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > On a side note, if the 'integer' field type is used, then 
>>>>>> a blank entry 
>>>>>> >         > results in a None. Don't know if that helps but it's 
>>>>>> something I've noticed. 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > On Monday, July 23, 2012 2:07:51 PM UTC-7, Anthony wrote: 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >     To enter a value of None, this might work: 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >     | 
>>>>>> >         >     default=lambda:None 
>>>>>> >         >     | 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >     Anthony 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >     On Monday, July 23, 2012 5:04:44 PM UTC-4, Anthony 
>>>>>> wrote: 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >         default=None means that no default is specified, 
>>>>>> not that a 
>>>>>> >         >         default value of None will be inserted. 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >         Anthony 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >         On Monday, July 23, 2012 5:02:33 PM UTC-4, Mark 
>>>>>> Li wrote: 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >             I have a table defined in the following 
>>>>>> manner: 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >             db.define_table('songinfo', 
>>>>>> >         >             Field('songtitle'), 
>>>>>> >         >             Field('artist')) 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >             When I add an empty entry, or upload a CSV 
>>>>>> with empty 
>>>>>> >         >             values, I can only access those values with a 
>>>>>> database call like 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >             songs = db(db.songinfo.artist=="").select() 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >             as opposed to 
>>>>>> db(db.songinfo.artist==None).select() 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         >             The web2py book states that fields 
>>>>>> default=None, but I'm 
>>>>>> >         >             getting an empty string. Is there an 
>>>>>> appropriate way to have 
>>>>>> >         >             None instead of an empty string in the 
>>>>>> database? 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > -- 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> >         > 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > -- 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > 


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