Can you tell us more about how it works?

On Tuesday, 24 July 2012 09:38:51 UTC-5, Franco wrote:
> <>
> Greetings everyone. I want to share with you this plugin, it's based on 
> jquery-validation-engine plugin.
> It's easy to use, your only need to replace SQLFORM with JsSQLFORM and 
> that's it.
> At this moment only supports 7 validators 
> Here are some examples of use:
> def validation():
>     from plugin_ValidationEngine import JsSQLFORM
>     f = JsSQLFORM.factory(
>         Field('nombre', requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_LENGTH(20, 3)],label 
> = 'Nombre'),
>         Field('apellido', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label = 'Apellido'),
>         Field('cuit', requires = IS_LENGTH(12, 12), label = 'Cuit'),
>         Field('edad', requires = IS_INT_IN_RANGE(18, 65), label = 'Edad'),
>         Field('importe', requires = IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE(1, 9999.99), label = 
> 'Importe')
>     )
>     if f.accepts(request, session):
>         response.flash = 'Ok'
>     else:
>         response.flash = 'Bad'
>     return dict(form = f)
> def validation2():
>     from plugin_ValidationEngine import JsSQLFORM
>     f = JsSQLFORM(db.test)
>     if f.accepts(request, session):
>         response.flash = 'Ok'
>     else:
>         response.flash = 'Bad'
>     return dict(form = f)

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