Good point. I will discuss this on web2py-developers. We may need to revert 
this patch or find a different solution to the problem.

On Monday, 23 July 2012 23:43:07 UTC-5, David J wrote:
>  Ok.
> I am not going to complain about it because I fixed the app,
> However, I did see it in the docs. if you search the docs for 
> auth.signature it shows the usage.
> But here is where it broke..I had a custom auth table, and in that table I 
> called
> db.define_table(
>     auth.settings.table_user_name,
>     Field('first_name', length=64, default='',widget = lambda f, v: 
> SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f, v, _class='span6')),
>     ...,
>     auth.signature)
> custom_auth_table = db[auth.settings.table_user_name] # get the 
> custom_auth_table
> custom_auth_table.first_name.requires = \
>     IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=auth.messages.is_empty)
> custom_auth_table.last_name.requires = \
>     IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=auth.messages.is_empty)
> custom_auth_table.password.requires = [CRYPT(key=auth.settings.hmac_key)]
> = [
>     IS_EMAIL(error_message=auth.messages.invalid_email),
>     IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,]
> db.auth_user.is_active.writable = db.auth_user.is_active.readable=False
> db.define_tables()
> Anyway; like I said, I am fine either way, if other users complain about 
> it, then I may change my opinion.
> I just thought I would bring it up as I am sure you like feedback 
> regarding these types of changes.
> Thanks.
> David
> On 7/23/12 11:53 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Yes. auth.signature used to be defined when Auth() is instantiated. Now it 
> is defined when auth.define_tables() is called. There is disagreement on 
> whether this is a breaking of backward compatibility since this is 
> not exactly documented. There are reason for the switch. Is this a big 
> deal? It is not clear whether this change of behavior should propagate to 
> stable.
> On Monday, 23 July 2012 16:38:18 UTC-5, David J wrote: 
>> I just upgraded my web2py to latest trunk. 
>> I get an exception 
>> S'("\'Auth\' object has no attribute \'signature\'",)' 
>> did something change. I tried the mailing list archive to see, but maybe 
>> I missed something. 
>> Thanks. 
>>  -- 


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