My thoughts exactly, hence my confusion with the highlighted sentence. As 
explained by Anthony in another reply, that sentence was let over from a 
previous version of the doc. I like the idea of putting validators in the 
model, assuming they are valid throughout the app (which makes sense).

Thanks again.

On Monday, July 23, 2012 1:58:26 PM UTC-6, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
> Caveat: my opinions.  I am not a spokesperson for Web2py.  That said:
> 1.  No.  MVC provides separation of functions as a way of organizing code. 
>  Usually programmers work together with designers, and MVC provides a way 
> for them to interact without too much stepping on each other's toes. 
>  Typically a view would be concerned with css and other design aspects.  To 
> get some idea of what I mean, study the static/css files in your app.  Also 
> look at layout.html.  MVC 
> 2.  You can put the validators anywhere in your code.  It is convenient to 
> put them in the model because that way you only have to do them once.  Your 
> validators would usually be the same across all controllers in your app, so 
> why scatter them about?
> This situation is not something i 'live with.'  It's a great convenience.
> On Monday, July 23, 2012 3:41:39 PM UTC-4, MichaelF wrote:
>> The documentation says, in section 6.17.4 (my highlighting):
>> 1 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> 2 <h1>Records</h1>
>>> 3 {{=SQLTABLE(rows)}}
>> SQLTABLE converts the rows into an HTML table with a header containing the
>>> column names and one row per record. ... 
>> The values extracted from the database are also formatted by the 
>>> validators
>>> associated to the field and then escaped. (Note: Using a db in this way 
>>> in a
>>> view is usually not considered good MVC practice.)
>> I assume the doc means that validators shouldn't be used in a model file, 
>> as the formatting that gets done as a result should be done by the view. Or 
>> they should be used in a model file, but it's unfortunate that the 
>> formatting gets done as a result, as opposed to being done in the view.
>> 1. Is my assumption correct? If not, then why is this "not considered 
>> good MVC practice"?
>> 2. So what should be done in my web2py code, then? Add the validators in 
>> the controller code? Or is this just something we live with as web2py 
>> developers?
>> Thanks.


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