With that statement ("""if you don't understand the code, try it""") I 
meant that you can always check a functionality testing it before loosing 
your mind on the code.

All the "magic" is done by:

gluon/dal.py (validate_and_insert())

for key,value in fields.items():
            value,error = self[key].validate(value)
            if error:
                response.errors[key] = error

the "validate()" method on the field calls the validators, defined into 
gluon/validators.py and "associated" by table definitions (db.define_table) 
or field requirements (Field('a', *requires=....*)).

>>> print db.tests.uniquefield.requires
[<gluon.validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB object at 0x32404d0>, 
object at 0x3240490>]

A unique field gets a IS_IN_DB validator in order to check before inserting 
the record (otherwise the commit() would raise an exception at the database 
level. Unfortunately, there is no universal way to tell WHICH field failed 
(and why) when you blindly insert a record, and you should wait for the 
commit() to raise that exception, so you'll lose "multiple" inserts with 
their properly related errors).

Some definitions (like the "unique" one) defaults to a "hidden" requires to 
your ones (as documented in the book 
Datetime fields, for example, are checked with a IS_DATETIME() validator,  
with a IS_IN_DB(), etc. etc. etc.

This is done into the sqlhtml_validators() function in gluon/dal.py. You 
can find there that a unique Field gets a IS_IN_DB() validator by default

        if field.unique:
                requires._and = validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB(field.db,field)

PS: all code excerpts are from the trunk version. May be a little different 
from your web2py version, but this is sort of an "introduction" on where to 
find answers to your questions.


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