Figured it out: I removed the "--limit-as 64" argument and now it seems to work. I'm using uwsgi version 1.2.4. Could this cause any problems?
Now, if I can get my static content served directly, I'm ready to roll with Webfaction. Previously, when using nginx+uwsgi, it was using 1-10MB of memory with every page view! I still don't really understand why this was not being released with that configuration. With the "--reload-on-rss" flag set, the uwsgi processes were being restarted every few minutes, and that was just with one person viewing the site (me)! On Saturday, July 21, 2012 9:33:56 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote: > > I'm following these instructions, and get stuck at the same point: > > initializing 24 uGreen threads with stack size of 262144 (256 KB) > mprotect(): Invalid argument [plugins/ugreen/ugreen.c line 109] > > How did you fix this? > > On Thursday, July 5, 2012 4:17:48 PM UTC+1, Alec Taylor wrote: >> >> Alright, fixed that last error, >> > > > --