Maybe open a issue and summit a patch or your code...


On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:29 AM, peter <> wrote:

> I think that there is an argument for incorporating my solution into the
> standard sqlform grid and having a flag for switching between the query
> system or my simple text search. If the table is being presented in a web
> application for the great web public then they are going to expect searches
> to be 'google like'.
> Peter
> On Thursday, 19 July 2012 16:22:21 UTC+1, Richard wrote:
>> I think it will solve one of the issue I had with using sqlform.grid in
>> place of sqltable + Datatables. Since Datatables has a pretty simple
>> search/filter and my users knows how to use it than I would not remove this
>> kind of easy search/filter functionality and leave them with only a harder
>> more complex solution, so I stick with sqltable + Datatables even if
>> sqlform.grid is much more interesting...
>> Thank Peter.
>> Richard
>> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:00 AM, peter <>wrote:
>>> Thanks for this I had not noticed that clear did not work, I guess I
>>> never use it.
>>> The problem is a type in the search_form function
>>> The fifth line should read
>>> id = 'search_text'),
>>> not id='searchText'),
>>> Does anyone know if I can edit the first message in this topic so as to
>>> correct it?
>>> Peter
>>> On Wednesday, 18 July 2012 15:30:59 UTC+1, Elcimar wrote:
>>>> Works like a charm, but the "Clear" button is working exactly like the
>>>> "Search" one, without clearing 'search_text' before submit
>>>> Is there another method to do that?
>>>> Em segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012 23h32min49s UTC-3, Cliff
>>>> Kachinske escreveu:
>>>>> Good one.
>>>>> You earned a browser bookmark.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On Wednesday, March 7, 2012 4:44:00 AM UTC-5, peter wrote:
>>>>>> As I have commented before, sqlform.grid has a particular way of
>>>>>> searching. Its combination of search and 'queries' is very powerful.
>>>>>> However the search does not really work in the way a casual web user
>>>>>> might expect. If entered - Bob Dylan - in the search box and clicked
>>>>>> search, then one get 'invalid query'. I eventually worked out how to
>>>>>> change the search widget, so as I believe this is currently
>>>>>> undocumented I thought I would share it. The semantics I have chosen
>>>>>> for search are that it will return records where any of the specified
>>>>>> fields (fielda and fieldb in the example) contain all of the words in
>>>>>> the search field. i.e if the search term is -Bob Dylan- it will
>>>>>> return
>>>>>> records that have both Bob and Dylan in the fieldA or both in fieldb.
>>>>>> Define a search function that creates the form and a function that
>>>>>> does the search
>>>>>> def search_form(self,url):
>>>>>>     form = FORM('',
>>>>>> INPUT(_name='search_text',_**val**ue=request.get_vars.search_**tex**t,
>>>>>>                _style='width:200px;',
>>>>>>                _id='searchText'),
>>>>>>          INPUT(_type='submit',_value=**T**('Search')),
>>>>>>          INPUT(_type='submit',_value=**T**('Clear'),
>>>>>>          _onclick="jQuery('#search_**tex**t').val('');"),
>>>>>>          _method="GET",_action=url)
>>>>>>     return form
>>>>>> def search_query(tableid,search_**te**xt,fields):
>>>>>>     words= search_text.split(' ') if search_text else []
>>>>>>     query=tableid<0#empty query
>>>>>>     for field in fields:
>>>>>>         new_query=tableid>0
>>>>>>         for word in words:
>>>>>>             new_query=new_query&field.**con**tains(word)
>>>>>>         query=query|new_query
>>>>>>     return query
>>>>>> Then in the function that has the sqlform.grid call, before the call
>>>>>> add
>>>>>>     search_text=request.get_vars.**s**earch_text
>>>>>>     query=search_query(db.tablea.**i**d 
>>>>>> <>,search_text,
>>>>>> [db.tablea.fielda,db.tablea.**fi**eldb])
>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>> # the query could now be combined with other queries.
>>>>>>     table=SQLFORM.grid(query, search_widget=search_form.....****...)
>>>>>>     return dict(table=table)
>>>>>>  --
>>  --


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