I also confirm this. Each provider is left to determine their own API to
expose resources (most follow a RESTful interface).

However, the *authorization* portion is relatively consistent for each
provider (relatively in that there are slight deviations, such as returned
data being in either JSON or a URL format). The auth portion is something
that *can* be easily implemented to cover all providers, for all server-side
flows (I've tested both authorization code and client credentials flows with
the library that I wrote). The rest is simply requests sent using the
credentials retrieved by the auth flow.

The point here is that cross-provider auth using slightly deviant OAuth 2.0
implementations can be a bit of a pain, especially if you aren't relatively
intimately familiar with OAuth 2.0. IMHO, adding this to a framework is very
little work, with relatively large benefit for the users.

-----Original Message-----
From: web2py@googlegroups.com [mailto:web2py@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Michele Comitini
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:13 PM
To: web2py@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [web2py] Re: Alternative to Janrain: in pure Python

I confirm.  Information about the user depend on the producer.  It is
usually a simple REST call.
In theory there is not even guarantee that any user data is available to the
OAuth is about giving authorization to fetch authenticated user data by a
third party, i.e. the OAuth consumer.
The only specified result from a successful authentication is an expiring
session token that must not contain any direct reference to user info.


> The authentication is interoperable (is this user allowed to login?) 
> but not the request for credentials (who is this user?).
> On Wednesday, 18 July 2012 13:24:12 UTC-5, rdodev wrote:
>> OAuth2 authorization for web2py would be huge. +1
>> On Thursday, July 5, 2012 10:42:20 AM UTC-4, Alec Taylor wrote:
>>> A rather good 64-line OAuth 2 client implementation for Python has 
>>> been open-sourced.
>>> Source-code (announcement)
>>> This has been tested-and includes example code-with:
>>> Facebook
>>> Google
>>> Foursquare
>>> https://github.com/demianbrecht/sanction/blob/master/example/server.
>>> py
>>> Please share your thoughts below, specify if you would like how to 
>>> use it with web2py, e.g.: for the online web2py book. [Disclaimer: 
>>> haven't spoken with Massimo yet]
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alec Taylor
> --



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