Just curious: There is a special reason to not simply return the needed dicts?
Em Ter 17 Jul 2012 18:40:00 BRT, adohertyd escreveu:
In my function page2(): I return a dictionary to be accessed by the page2 HTML view. In the page2 function I have some other dictionaries. What I want to do to be able to use the non-returned dictionaries in the HTML code to show some items. This is a sample of what I want: Hope it's clear || defpage2(): Dict1={key1:{keyA:value,keyB:value,keyC:value} Dict2={key2:{keyD:value,keyE:value,keyF:value} OtherDict={key:value,key:value...} returndict(ReturnedDict=OtherDict) || page2.html: <ul> {{forx inReturnedDict:}} {{ifx inDict1:}} <li>{{=Dict1[x]['keyA']}}{{=Dict1[x]['keyB']</li> {{elifx inDict2:}} <li>{{=Dict2[x]['keyD']}}{{=Dict2[x]['keyE']</li> {{pass}} </ul> --