On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 02:23:35 -0700 (PDT)
Andrew <awillima...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have started doing some trials with both instantpress and movuca,
> and I would have to say that it is not a question of which is better,
> each has a different focus and I've enjoyed using both (I'm still
> learning and still have heaps of questions though). 

I've decided to use (wx)python instead of D for our multi-platform
project, so being already in Python-world it really makes sense to
forget about PHP and use Python framework.

Here we prefer full-stack one and between Django an Web2py, the latter
wins in all the aspects except the number of ready apps...and here we
think about blog/CMS ones.

In Django there is Django-CMS, FeinCMS, Mezzanine...(there are
more, but just picked 1st three from the below mentioned URL)... having
blog engines and/or ecommerce packages nicely integrating with them.

There is another aspect of the game: Django-CMS has (according to
http://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/cms/) 1654 repo watchers and 525
repo forks, FeinCMS (384/110) and Mezzanine (662/176).

All of them are actively developed, there are submitted tickets which
are commented by the devs and we can say there are communities
developed around the projects.

Otoh, situation with the two web2py CMS-es (there is also w2cms but not
with much activity) is the following:

1) InstantPress: 18 followers, 0 forks, last commit >5 months ago, 5
(new) issues and not a *single* comment from the developer

2) Movuca CMS: 80 watchers, 14 forks, active development,  9 issues and
*every* issue is commented by the main developer.

I cannot judge the quality of the code itself, but it is pretty obvious
which project build community around it.

It's clear that web2py is simply too young and/or small to compare in
numbers of apps within the Django community, but I'm sure  it would be
possible to focus on one CMS platform which is (more) focused on
end-users (as it was already expressed in this thread) and make it
actively developed, maintained & sufficient flexible in order that all
sites developed by it would not look as WP with Kubrick theme.

Is there any interest for it?

Personally, InstantPress looks more appealing to me as 'general'
CMS/blog app in comparison with Movuca which seems to be more focused
towards social networking, but I simply do not feel confident to invest
time in learning the former.

It could be that there is simply no interest within web2py community
to build such thing, but the list referenced in wikipedia article
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web2py):

Applications built on Web2py

    Movuca CMS and Social Network Engine.
    Instant Press Blog platform.
    Ourway Social networking site.
    NoobMusic A rock music website.
    LinkFindr Network diagnostic tool.
    StarMaker Develops karaoke-style social music apps.


is, imho, too short for such fine quality web framework.


As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, 
the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the 
sake of leading people on the right path.

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