By default, form.accepts() does the insert automatically (unless you set 
dbio=False), and your redirect doesn't happen until after the insert.


On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:38:02 AM UTC-4, Pystar wrote:
> I have a controller that presents a form, but I put a constraint that if 
> the user is not logged on (checked using auth.is_logged_in()) the entered 
> form data should not be inserted but the user should be directed to the 
> login form. But to my surprise, if the user is redirected to the logged in 
> form and without logging in, returns back to the index page, the data would 
> have been inserted into the database which shouldnt be so. What am I doing 
> wrong here?
> Code snippet
> def index():
>     form = SQLFORM(
>     if form.accepts(request.vars, session, hideerror=True, 
> keepvalues=False):
>         if auth.is_logged_in():        
>             pass
>         else:
>             session.flash="You have to be logged on to post stuff!"
>             redirect(URL(f="user", args="login"))
>     elif form.errors:
>         redirect(URL(f="index"))
>     rows = db().select(,
>     return locals()


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