I can't reproduce the error. What db engine are you using and what web2py 
version are you running ?

On Monday, July 16, 2012 2:35:15 PM UTC+2, Aurelijus Useckas wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have declared a table 'company' and the Field 'workers' which expects 
> the number of workers in the company:
> db.define_table('company',
> (...)
>     Field('workers', 'integer'),
> The problem arrises when I want to do some computations with this field, 
> for instance select some row. Strange stuff happens.
> Let's say I have 4 entries/rows:
>               db.compny.workers
> id 1         5
> id 2         6
> id 3         12
> id 4         40
> When I run a query *db.company.workers>0 *the results are fine 
> (4 displayed), 
> When I run  *db.company.workers<38 *only the id 3 (12 workers) is shown.
> *db.company.workers<100 *gives *none* results. 
> *db.company.workers>5 *gives only 6  
> I have absolutely no clue what is going on. Thnx

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