Have a rephrased/ simplified controller, and while almost got it working, running out of ideas/ talent. The problem is in posting parameters to the controller and passing a value back to the edited field (its just not seeing them).
Any ideas would be welcome, but failing that, would anyone be interested in taking it on as a paid job to get it working? Controller def style(v,s1): if v==0: s1="background-color:#CFECEC" elif v==2: s1="background-color:#FFFFEA" else: s1="background-color:#FFFF00" s1=s1+"; text-align:center" return s1 def update(): if request.args: loc = request.args[0].split['.'] id = loc[0] column = loc[1] value = request.args[1] db(db.Stats.id==id).update(column=value) return value def measure(): s1 = [] db.Measure.FP.represent = lambda value, row: DIV(value, _class="EDit", _style=style(value,s1), _id=str(row.id)+'.FP') table = SQLFORM.grid(db.Measure) return dict(form=table, paginate=3) View {{response.files.append(URL('static','js/jquery.jeditable.js'))}} {{extend 'layout.html'}} <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.EDit').editable("{{=URL('update')}}",{ id: 'elementid', name: 'value', tooltip: "Click to edit...", submit : 'OK', indicator : 'static\images\indicator.gif', });}) </script> {{=form}} TIA,