Just to clarify, are you saying your profile page has a custom URL (i.e., 
something other than /default/user/profile), or that it simply has a custom 
view (i.e., you need to use a view other than the standard 
/views/default/user.html view)? If the latter, there are two options. 
First, rather than having a separate view file, you could add a condition 
to the user.html view that displays a custom view when request.args(0) == 
'profile'. The other option is specifying a custom view in the user() 
def user():
    if request.args(0) == 'profile':
        response.view = 'default/profile.html'


Thanks for the reply. That is my setup. The only edit I want is to change 
> the link on profile to point to my custom profile. Apart from that, I don't 
> want to edit any other function of the Auth system. Thanks. I kind a see 
> where it might be possible in gluon/tools.py, but I don't want to touch the 
> source code directly. I was hoping there was some settings I could alter. 
> I also did not want to create a custom navbar. However manipulating it 
> after it is generated seems an option. How do you do that to change the 
> link on the profile?
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Anthony wrote:
>> The navbar assumes all the Auth actions are handled by the same function, 
>> with the action being specified via request.args[0]. If that's not your 
>> setup, then you'll have to create a custom navbar, or manipulate the navbar 
>> after it is generated.
>> Anthony
>> On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:15:21 AM UTC-4, dundee wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have created a custom view for profile. However, I don't know where to 
>>> look to change the profile link (auth.navbar) to use my link.
>>> Thanks.
> -- 
> Kevin Miller
> Acting Data Controller
> Department of Computing
> UWI, Mona
> Kingston 7

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