Mail with the code sended :)

2012/7/6 Massimo Di Pierro <>:
> I do not recall. Can you resend it please. My personal inbox is a bit messy.
> On Friday, 6 July 2012 05:51:04 UTC-5, demetrio wrote:
>> I will try this weekend.
>> Massimo did you received the code of the apllication?
>> Thanks everyone
>> El 06/07/2012, a las 04:32, Massimo Di Pierro <>
>> escribió:
>> Looks like I prematurely close the issue. There is now a db.close() in
>> trunk. Please check it out.
>> massimo
>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 13:05:47 UTC-5, nick name wrote:
>>> On Thursday, June 28, 2012 10:47:15 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> why not simply?
>>>> db.commit()
>>>> db.close()
>>>> if db in an on object attribute like self.db you can do
>>>> if self.db:
>>>>    self.db.commit()
>>>>    self.db.close()
>>>>    self.db = 0
>>>> you can also do:
>>>> BaseAdapter.close_all_instances('commit')
>>> This is not enough, as was documented on issue
>>> The code that works
>>> for me for sqlite is as follows:
>>> def closebase(base):
>>>     if not base: return
>>>     # see:
>>>     # see:
>>>     # was: base._adapter.close()
>>>     from gluon.dal import thread
>>>     thread.instances.remove(base._adapter)
>>>     base._adapter.close()
>>> and then I call closebase(db); db = None which is enough for me with
>>> sqlite -- but apparently, the original poster has tried that, and that is
>>> not sufficient for mysql.

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