I never actually saw that issue. I thought the official rocket repo was on 
launchpad. I was not aware it moved to github. Anyway, I have implemented 
your suggested correction (increased timeout and caching exception)


On Thursday, 5 July 2012 12:49:48 UTC-5, nick name wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 3:43:16 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> If you can reproduce. Chould you try wireshark to do a packet capture? I 
>> would like to see what is going on.
>> Tim is a new dad and has not been responsive. I will try an attempt to 
>> fix this myself (although I cannot repcoduce it) else we wil revert to 
>> cherrypy. 
> I was away for a couple of weeks and only now catching up.
> I've posted the instructions to reproduce this several times, e.g. 
> https://github.com/explorigin/Rocket/issues/1#issuecomment-3734231 ; I've 
> just noticed that Tim actually checked in the changes I suggested into the 
> Rocket source on github <
> https://github.com/explorigin/Rocket/commit/fd5e63e1036274d50c48184bdf4c230f17a67e7e>
> , but as far as I remember, they didn't actually solve the problem - only 
> helped reliable demonstrate that they are happening (and when).
> I don't think the packet capture will be helpful -- dropping of data 
> happens inside Python's sendall() and Rocket's handling of that.
> I will reapply my patch that Tim adopted later this week and try to 
> recreate to see if the problem is solved.

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